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Bridge Superstructure Replacement, Rt 9 Belmont St. Worcester, MA

Value: $14.6 million 


Client: MassDot 


Project Highlights: Complete superstructure replacement, as well as extending and modifying the existing abutments and replacement of center pier to accommodate the new superstructure. We received 100% incentive for early completion under accelerated bridge program. Extensive support of excavation systems up to 25 feet. Installed temporary pedestrian bridge over Rt 290 for utilities, water main replacement, drain systems upgrades as well as pedestrians.


Other Details: Rt 9 roadway widening, roadway profile adjustments, excavation, and removal of the existing pavement, placement of a new payment structure, new highway guardrail, new approach sidewalks, replacement of existing traffic signals, drainage improvements, and resetting of roadway listing. In addition to roadway reconstruction maintaining Rt 9 traffic flows. 


Bridge Construction, Edgartown and Oak Bluffs


Value: $14 million


Client: MassDOT


Project Highlights: Complete demolition and reconstruction of two bridges. Performed during off-season to minimize traffic and tourist concerns. 


Other Details: Included steel sheeted cofferdams, support of excavation, 24 inch precast concrete piles, control of water, traffic signalization, and road reconstruction. 



Replacement of Two Bridges, Route 160 over I-91, 

Rocky Hill, CT


Value: $11.4 million


Client: Connecticut DOT


Project Highlights: Two previously existing three span bridges were completely replaced with single span bridges consisting of steel girder superstructures founded on reinforced concrete substructures. Completed a 24/7 work window for 60 days via SPMT method. 


Other Details: The superstructure for the new bridges were partially constructed off-site staging areas and then moved into place once preexisting bridges were moved and abutments were constructed. 



Bridge Reconstruction, Concord, MA

Value: $8.5 million


Client: MassDOT


Project Highlights: Full Bridge Reconstruction utilizing same veneer stone provided by the John Quincy Adams Family Quarry at the turn of the 19th century.  


Other Details: Full arch reconstruction was performed to replicate the 1912 structure. Steel pipe piles and steel sheeted cofferdams were other significant items of work. 


Bridge Replacement - Atlantic Ave over Little Harbor Inlet, Cohasset, MA

Value: $7.8 million


Client: MassDOT


Project Highlights:  Remove the existing single span bridge & construction of a widened single span replacement bridge.Install highway guardrail transition, excavation, full depth roadway construction, milling & overlay. Deep Excavations within steel sheeted cofferdams with concrete tremie seal foundations. 


Other Details: In addition to sidewalk reconstruction, granite curb, wheelchair ramp, drainage & utility modifications, reservation & replication of salt marsh, landscaping, signing & safety controls. We received 100% incentive for early completion under accelerated bridge program. 


Bridge Replacement, Boston, MA​


Value: $7.5 million 


Client: MassDOT 


Project Highlights: Bridge replacement using accelerated bridge construction techniques BR. NO B-16-163 (Steel) Morton Street over the MBTA Railroad .


Other Details: Complete bridge superstructure demolition with substructure abutment enhancement bridge deck reconstruction via SPMT bridge move method with a 24/7 work window for 56 hours to open railroad and roadway. MIG met incentive payment for early completion. 


Highway and Bridge Construction, Tolland, CT

Value: $7.5 million


Client: Connecticut DOT


Project Highlights: Reconstruction of I-84 previously

existing 68 ramp and Route 195. Including steel

sheet cofferdams  and  extensive control of water. 


Other Details: Water, sewer, drain system replacements

as well as roadway reconstruction, and

temporary pedestrian bridge. H-Pile bridge foundations with steel sheeted cofferdams for control of water and support of roadway during phased bridge construction. 


Bridge Replacement, Lancaster, MA

Value:  $6.2 million 


Client: MassDOT


Project Highlights: Steel bridge replacement, BR NI L-02-018 Jackson Road over Route 2 (George W. Stanton Highway). 1,000 cubic yards of geofoam fill placed behind both abutments.  


Other Details: Extensive support of excavations systems to maintain local roadway traffic. Temporary traffic signalization to allow one way traffic continuously. 


Bridge Replacement, North Haven, CT

Value: $6 million 


Client: Connecticut Dot


Project Highlights: Replacement of bridge NO 03120, Basset Road over I-91. Completed using a 24/7 work window with 60 day timeline to minimize local roadway closure. 


Other Details: Road closure to allow accelerated bridge demolition and reconstruction. Substructure

and abutments pre-built for faster reconstruction.


Pile Driving, University of Massachusetts Boston Campus


Value: $5.6 million 


Client: Gilbane Corporation 


Project Highlights: Subcontracted by Gilbane Corporation for all pile driving work.


Other Details: Included steel H-piles and precast concrete piles totally 35,000 square feet. 


Pile Driving, Great Barrington, MA


Value: $4.7 million 


Client: Rhode Island DOT


Project Highlights: Subcontracted to Cardi Corporation for all marine related work. Included steel pile driving and support of excavation.


Other Details: Additionally, completed water work with 2 phase bridge project. 


Bridge Replacement, Sutton, MA


Value: $3 million 


Client: MassDOT 


Project Highlights: Removal of the existing two span bridge & construction of a widened single span replacement bridge. Demolition and reconstruction in close proximity to existing dam required extreme care and caution. 


Other Details: Work also included installing highway guardrail transitions, excavation, full depth roadway construction, granite curb, wheelchair ramp, drainage & utility, landscaping, signing, pavement markings & safety controls.  


Repair/Rehabilitation of New Hampshire Main Line over Shawsheen River, Wilmington/Billerica, MA


Value: $1.9 million 


Client: MBTA 


Project Highlights:  Rehabilitation of existing arch bridge, placement of grout & corrugated steel linear arch plate underneath existing arch, partial demolition of existing abutments & construction of abutment extensions.


Other Details: Fascia stones & wing walls on both faces of bridge replaced or repaired. Restoration of the eroded downstream river bank, installation of a 60 inch steel pipe by trench less method "pipe jacking" & construction of head walls.


Pier Reconstruction, Oak Bluffs, MA​


Value: $1.6 million


Client: SSA Steamship Authority 


Project Highlights: Oak Bluffs Terminal Pier reconstruction. Repairs to storm damaged dock. Ferry Terminal partial demolition, including steel fin piles, timber piles, and heavy timber.


Other Details: Complete substructure improvements including wave wall construction and S.Y.P deck replacement.


Bridge Repairs, Truro, MA


Value: $1.5 million


Client: Town of Truro


Project Highlights: Partial replacement of East Harbor outfall pipe and dune restoration at Noon's Landing. 


Other Details: Demolition and reconstruction of outfall required bridge trestle to operate above water. Steel sheet pile coffercell left in place, and control of tidal flows.

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